Podcast ESL 2006

These podcasts are written and produced by Peter Carter, Birmingham, England


..to Listen to English, the podcast website for people learning English.The podcasts on this site will help you to improve your English vocabulary and pronunciation and your listening skills. There are two short (3 to 5 minutes) podcasts every week, in clearly spoken English. Many of them are linked to grammar and vocabulary notes, or to exercises or quizes. You can download the podcasts to your computer, or  subscribe  using a programme such as iTunes or Yahoo, or simply listen to them by clicking the Flash player on the web page beneath each episode. You can put the podcasts onto your iPod or MP3 player, and listen to them on your way to school or work. The full text of each podcast is on this site (and will also appear on your iPod screen), so you can look up the meanings of words that you do not understand in a dictionary. Then close your eyes and listen! Have fun!

Christmas House Bling
Friday 22 December 2006

Bling? What’s bling?
Bling is a modern slang word for jewellery. But not any sort of jewellery. Jewellery is bling if:
it is big
it is brightly coloured
it is loud and tasteless
there is lots of it
it is really  in your face

Jewellery is not bling if it is small,  discreet  or tasteful!
And what is “house bling”? For a long time people have decorated the insides of their houses at Christmas, for example with Christmas trees,  holly  and  mistletoe . But in the past few years, some people have started decorating the outsides of their houses as well, with lots of coloured lights, illuminated models of Santa Claus, reindeer and snowmen, and sometimes even with an audio system which plays Christmas carols. This is house bling. There is a picture of house bling on the podcast website, and (I hope) on your iPod too. If you type “house bling” into the search box at  flickr.com , you will find lots more examples.

Some people even compete with their neighbours to have the most house bling, the brightest house bling, the most tasteless house bling. House bling increases electricity consumption, and probably adds significantly to global warming and rising sea levels.

I am taking a short break over Christmas. I will be back in January, when Kevin and Joanne will be making some New Year resolutions. To keep you company until these podcasts return, here is  Hilda Lamas . This lady sings the American National Anthem at basketball games in Texas, so –  respect ! But for us she sings that Christmas won’t be Christmas unless you get right back here with me. Yeah!
Picture of house bling by  bigbluemeanie/flickr

零六年 这些播客由英国伯明翰的 彼得卡特 编写和制作

欢迎… ..来听英语,供学习英语的人使用的播客网站。 本网站上的播客将帮助您提高英语词汇和发音以及听力技巧。 每周有两个简短的(三 到 五 分钟)播客,英语口语清晰。 其中许多都与语法和词汇笔记、练习或测验相关联。 您可以将播客下载到您的计算机上,或使用 艾特 或 雅虎 等程序订阅,或者只需点击每集下方网页上的 福来须 播放器即可收听。 您可以将播客放到 爱抛 或 爱皮三 播放器上,然后在上学或上班的路上收听它们。 每个播客的全文都在这个站点上(并且也会出现在您的 爱抛 屏幕上),因此您可以在字典中查找您不理解的单词的含义。 然后闭上眼睛听! 玩得开心!

圣诞屋金光闪闪 零六 年 十二 月二十二 日星期五

金光闪闪?什么是金光闪闪? 闪光 是珠宝的现代俚语。但不是任何类型的珠宝。在以下情况下,珠宝是闪亮的: 它很大 它颜色鲜艳 它响亮无味 有很多 它真的就在你的脸上

小、谨慎或有品位的珠宝不是金光闪闪! 什么是“房子金光闪闪”?长期以来,人们在圣诞节装饰房屋内部,例如用圣诞树、冬青树和槲寄生。但在过去的几年里,一些人也开始装饰他们的房子的外部,用大量的彩灯、发光的圣诞老人、驯鹿和雪人模型,有时甚至还有播放圣诞颂歌的音响系统。这是房子金光闪闪。播客网站上有一张 屋子闪光 的图片,(我希望)你的 爱抛 上也有。如果您在 弗里克网站 的搜索框中输入“屋子闪光”,您会发现更多示例。 有些人甚至与邻居争抢最多的房子金光闪闪,最亮的房子金光闪闪,最无味的房子金光闪闪。 屋子闪光 会增加电力消耗,并可能显着加剧全球变暖和海平面上升。 我在圣诞节休息一下。我将在一月份回来,届时凯文和乔安妮将制定一些新年决议。为了让您陪伴直到这些播客回归,这里是 拉玛斯。这位女士在德克萨斯州的篮球比赛中唱美国国歌,所以 – 尊重!但对我们来说,她唱着圣诞节不会是圣诞节,除非你和我一起回到这里。是的!的房子金光闪闪的图片


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